The Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government is working on the Proposal of the e-government development program 2019-2020, a set of measures and activities for further development of eService and greater use of eGovernment in the work of employees.

This strategy paper sets out ways to develop the necessary infrastructure, ensure interoperability, create more eServices and develop open data.

Some of the further activities in this area are the construction of the State Data Center in Kragujevac, the establishment of a single eOffice and eArchive, further development of information security and standards that will improve existing records in electronic form, as well as improving the practice of using eSignatures and ePress.

The concept of eGovernment is also introduced in the eGovernment Development Program, and in order to implement it, it is important that as many institutions as possible open data, because that would contribute to creating solutions for “smart cities” and customer services for citizens without large investments.

You can read more about the e-Government Development Program 2019-2020 at the following link.